Personnel administration and social security compliance

Administration du personnel InterexcoINTEREXCO can:

  • take care of the entire administrative hiring process, from drafting the work contract to filing the hire with the French authorities (DUE return), to registering the new staff with the social security and retirement institutions as well as with the other labour protection institutions.
  • all along the work-contract relationship, advise you in your choices, taking into account the prescriptions of the labour code and the national collective contract (CCN) applicable to your sector of activity.
  • provide the monthly payroll : payslips, payroll journals, accounting entries.
  • issue monthly statistical information on your payroll costs, by sector, by product, by sales organisation, and more, so to let you precisely appreciate the cost of your various activities.
  • organise, in cooperation with your bank, the near automatic monthly payment of your staff, in order to reduce processing costs and bank charges to the strictly necessary minimum.
  • prepare all monthly, quarterly and annual returns for payment of social security and retirement contributions, as well as the annual N4DS return (ex DADS) on individual staff income and expenses for the tax and social security authorities.
  • issue the salary computation certificates, in case of illness or work accident, in order to collect the social security reimbursement of salaries (IJSS) of the affected staff members (IJSS).
  • keep the individual files of your staff, including computation of their rights to holidays (CP), to work-time reduction (RTT) and to continued training (FPC and DIF).
  • keep the relation with the mutual organisations of your sector responsible for pooling training tax revenues, in order to process, expedite the administrative files and maximize reimbursement of costs.
  • keep the compulsory books related to the employment cycle, such as staff register, labour inspector book, work accidents book, register for evaluation of risks at the work place, register of weekly rest periods (if applicable), etc.
  • advise you on special statute zones in France, tourist areas for example, on the benefits to be derived from operating within them, and obtain for you the necessary authorisations to develop your activity there, especially on Sundays. This may be of particular interest for companies operating in the retail business.
  • if you are a foreign company wishing to employ personnel in France without having a permanent establishment, i.e. without having a subsidiary, branch or simple liaison office, INTEREXCO can register you with the French social security organisations as a foreign employer, and from there assist you with the hiring process, monthly payroll issue, preparation of all compulsory social security declarations and payment of the resulting contributions. It is possible in fact, depending on the tax treaty in force between France and the country of origin of your company, to employ staff in France without necessarily being obliged to start up a company or a branch in France, and therefore become taxable in France. Each situation is unique, please consult with us for more precise information.
  • advise you, and establish all necessary procedures for amicable termination of the work contract or for outright dismissal of staff.
  • depending on staff threshold (1+11+, 20+, 25+, 50+, etc.) implement all necessary procedures to comply with the corresponding provisions of the labour code relating to staff representation in the company, internal company policy, work's council, equal opportunity m/f, senior staff, profit sharing plan, etc.